WritingComics:Guideline1: Script It simple and meaningful

Comics are targeted in different styles. Commonly, the writings or dialogues are to be planned beforehand before any drawings or writings commences. And so to begin with, the whole story line has to be scripted with detailed scenario description and dialogues described or written down. The narrative script writing and dialogue writings can be in tandem or in sequence with many iterations.

Basically, for teamwork production, keep all descriptions simple. flowing and crisp. This applies especially so for dialogues where the readers or end customers is assumed to be of the mass of varied literacy. The dialogues or any wordings need to serve the purpose of the particular scene.

So the wordings aims to connect to the end readers and support the illustrations or drawings. Make wordings that creates the impact, that captures the mood and intonation of the scene. This is certainly a specialized gifting of writing as wordings that blends in well with the images and follow the purpose of the story require creativity, imagination and the feel of how end-readers will react translated to words.

Very importantly is to have fun and be engrossed in the story line and place yourself always in the scene from all perspectives: the characters themselves, bystanders, the producers and the end readers and you will definitely have a well groomed comic in the part of the writings simple and meaningful.


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