Writing Sports: General/ Specific, Objective and Storyboard

In this broad category, do survey what you are going to categorize. To begin with, determine if you are going to be general or specific.

For example, I may just be general in writing on the upcoming commonwealth games and so will hunt for broad spectrums and perspectives of sports in the commonwealth games. If I am critically reviewing on the soccer match between India and Sri Lanka, be prepared to have all the detailed information on this match in deep focus.

Then be very certain the objectives you want to achieve out of these choices. If say, you are predicting on the outcome of the match as mentioned earlier, do storyboard your work to be interesting and to the point. Be clear to present what are facts and what are your opinions.

Be matured in drawing conclusions for your opinions and always create anticipation for your readers to follow up to the real match in this case.


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