Writing Art Criticism: What's your first impression?

If ever you are on the way to write on a art with critics, do be very attuned to how you feel, sense and think at the first impression. For this is one instinct that is uniquely yours. It is true and there is nothing wrong except to mention and share your experience of the art.

Then you may log your findings where your first impressions change, deepen or vanish. This is your experience of the art piece and how it relates to you and vice versa in this exchange of attention and time. You will need a big and long collection of art jargons which you will need to spend on countless of art critics, so called your predecessors to describe your art piece and you will be marveled as to the increase and evolution of your art criticism where you go in depth and/or enlarge your grasp of the art piece that invokes you to express so vividly your experience to draw your own pool of interested readers you influenced by your writings all based on your impressions that becomes first again.


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