Why Do We Write? Intro 1

We came into the world knowing how to mark out out images in the cave man era and now, to continue in its own purposeful evolution of creating images and writings. In retrospect, this DNA in us are the design blueprint we have been implementing in our daily endeavors be it in the workplace, among family and friends or personal time in front of the keypads.

What our thoughts and feelings are, we have the tendency to put them down in expressions we can communicate through for a purpose, whether knowingly or not.


Anonymous said...

"why do we write?" is a question that all of us have thought. We write cause we want as you say to express what we see, what we feel, everything!we want to share our knowledge with other people, we want to create something i think writing is a creation!
P.S: I like your blog very much keep up the good work!

solelywriting said...

Thank you for sharing your honest opinions and thoughts. Yes, will upkeep with all that you mentioned. Have an enjoyable time.

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